Win, Lose, or Flaws— Four Steps to Prepare for November 4
Election Day is hours away. While we likely won’t know the full vote count, here are four steps to help you prepare for the day after the election.
1. Prepare to keep up the fight.
More than 92 million people have already voted, over 59 million by mail. While the majority of states will start processing mail in ballots before Election Day, key states like Wisconsin and parts of Michigan will not. Joe Biden encouraged supporters to vote early and by mail. Donald Trump discouraged and disparaged vote by mail. So we know that votes that come in on Election Day are likely to favor Trump, which is why we need to count every vote. Election officials around the country are prepared to do that and we should keep up the fight to make sure they are allowed to do their jobs. Indivisible is organizing voters if Trump tries to undermine the results of the election. Learn more about Protect the Results.
2. Do one more thing.
Volunteer for one more shift. Send one more email to family and friends in swing states. Sign up to do just a little bit more. It will help you sleep better — and maybe even make you less anxious on Election Day. Make calls to Florida with Swing Left. Text bank to Michigan with NextGen. Sign up for a shift to elect pro-choice Democratic women with EMILY’s List. See more volunteer opportunities compiled by Way to Win. Collectively, we can do this!
3. Donate to a local partner on November 5.
No matter what happens on Tuesday, power will be built at the local level — and in some states, Democrats will have new legislative majorities and executive powers. Groups on the ground will need immediate resources to make the most of that power to effect laws and bring about the change that candidates ran on this election cycle. Whatever donation you recently made, give that same amount on November 5 (or whenever we know the results) to a local group. Don’t know who to support? Check out this list of local partners compiled by Movement Voter Project.
4. Vote — verify — and take a friend.
If you haven’t already, make sure to vote, and if possible, verify your vote was counted. Bring a friend. Or four. It’ll make any long lines go faster!
We all remember how we felt on November 9, 2016. With hours left until November 4, 2020, please do all you can to make the day after the election as good as possible.